Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Understand the costs of CRM in the cloud

There has been a big shift towards cloud computing in the CRM world. The company that has benefited the most from this trend is Salesforce.com. They claim over 75,000 companies use their online CRM system and I don't doubt this for one minute. However, I wonder how many of these companies really know whether it is the right place for them. Companies can be guilty of having a heard mentality - "..they are there so it must be right for me..".

I'm a firm believer in cloud based systems but would only recommend going for an online CRM system if it meets with the client's specific requirements and budgetary constraints. This approach is essential if a company is going to understand the options and make an informed decision.

Many business managers (understandably) get confused by the terminology - pay per use, SaaS, cloud, web technology etc... The right way to start a review is to separate what you need from what / how you want to pay. If you decide that you need a web based system then consider the pay per use model but remember not all web based systems are pay per use. For SMEs this is often a question of cashflow rather than ROI as purchased systems usually work out more cost effective over the lifetime of a system.

It's also worth looking in detail at what is included in the monthly rental - salesforce have systems starting at £3 per user per month but their most popular system costs £85 / user / month. For a 5 user system that's £5100 per year! There is a reason why it's the most popular - it's the one that has the functionality that people need.

In summary - there's no shortcut. Understand what you need, consider the options and don't get caught out by the hype - cloud is good but it isn't always right.

1 comment:

Intelestream Inc. - CRM Sotware said...

There is a long list of web based CRM solutions on the market nowadays, that offer a wide range of affordable prices. At Intelestream, they’ve recently published a good whitepaper that compares features and prices, read here http://www.intelestream.net/en/whitepapers/sugarcrm-versus-salesforce-com-and-intelecrm-applications.html