Thursday, 3 June 2010

Making existing IT work for you

Most indicators show that the economy has turned and that we are in the early stages of a recovery. Companies are thinking about investing again to make sure they are in the best possible position to capitalise on the upturn.

With reduced headcount in many companies, business software needs to work harder to make up the difference. This often leads to a search for replacement systems but managers need to make sure that there is a real compelling reason for a change.

I am advising my clients to document what they need from their systems and make sure that existing systems can not do it. It can cost more than three times as much to implement a new system as it does to upgrade or modify existing ones. Sometimes, all that is needed is a bit of training which is a real saving compared to the upheaval of implementing a new system.

However, if there are compelling reasons to change, then investment is required. Whether you upgrade or replace it should be turned into a really positive event.

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