Thursday 8 January 2009

Is the customer always right?

I was travelling by train to a client's office yesterday and got caught in the problems at Euston station - if you missed it, all trains out of Euston were cancelled due to a powerline coming down. I was redirected via Marlebone station and the journey took 6 hours instead of 3!

The line was open again by the time I set off home but the trains still hadn't got back to normal. On the platform I overheard a woman shouting at an off duty Virgin Trains rep about how ridiculous this was and blaming them for all the problems. This individual customer was not right! Firstly it wasn't a problem caused by Virgin, it was the rail infrastructure company, and secondly this rep was doing a fantastic job of trying to help the woman - they were both trying to get home to the same place.

So, in the world of customer service the customer is not always right BUT it is our job to make them feel like they are.

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