Monday 12 January 2009

How well do we know our clients?

When was the last time you took a long hard look at your client list? I have just done this and was shocked. I like to think that I have a good relationship with our clients but it seems not. I took a list of all present and past clients then graded them as follows:

1 = Close relationship with regular contact ("Hi, its Jonathan from Centurion. how are you?")
2 = good relationship with some contact ("Hi, It's Jonathan Richards from Centurion")
3 = we support their software but with infrequent contact (Hi, it's Jonathan Richards from Centurion, we look after your xxx system")
4 = they have purchased from us but are unsupported or no longer using software

Needless to say I found too many scored 3 or 4. I am planning to repeat the exercise with other colleagues so that I get a company wide score. This will then be recorded in our CRM system to support an upgrade drive - 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.

Having the CRM system well configured (and used) made it a doddle to get a client list that included what they purchased, when and where they are. I am aware of all too many companies where this is a real head ache. It's often the simple things that make a CRM system worth every penny.

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