First, let me apologise just in case we have sent you such an email - one may have slipped through our marketing filter. Gordon Brown has told us from the World Economic Forum in Davos that this is unlike any other recession - the first of the global age. However, I humbly suggest that the way through this one for a small to medium business is the same as the others - hard work, focus on the detail and an injection of confidence.
For a while we need to forget that we are British and talk the economy back into health. I talk to a lot of business people and the over whelming view is that it isn't as bad as it is! In other words we need to stop digging the hole and start building a ladder to get out.
So, in that spirit I want to share with you the view of two successful business people who I greatly respect. One says that the climb back will start April'ish and the other June / July. I want to believe them and can see some early indicators that point in that direction - new leads are up, existing clients are ordering and its getting lighter in the mornings.