Saturday 1 December 2007

Global warming and the generations

I pick my daughter up from school 2 or three times per week and on one journey home this week we got talking about global warming. The conversation was sparked by a radio article covering a recent announcement that the situation was worse then previously thought.

She told me that all the talk of global warming frightened her and that if you listened to the news there was little to do to stop it. We, as a family, try to minimise our carbon footprint by reducing use, buying local, recycling etc etc - not the best, but certainly far from the worst. However, she hadn't put it together that this was our way of helping reduce global warming. We talked about what we are doing and agreed that if everyone did their bit it was a good step in the right direction.

When it comes to the generations, I found it an interesting thought that the 'Traditionals' created the problem, the 'boomers' continued the process but feel guilty and realise something needs doing, 'Xers' know the solution must start NOW but love all the stuff, so it seems left to the 'Ys' to turn it around. Here was my 'Y' frightened and a bit confused!

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