Monday 27 April 2009

Training budgets

Is it me or has there been an uplift in the tone of economic reporting over the last couple of weeks? The media can still come up with doom and gloom - giving a negative slant to a neutral / positive story, but the mood seems to be turning.

This seems to be reflected in the number of requests for training that we are receiving. Clients tell us that budgets are still tight but well justified training is getting funded. This is good news for our users and we are trying to help in whatever way we can. We tailor our training around clients exact requirements and always try to leave them with an immediate ROI. If we can save them even the smallest amount of time it can pay for the training.

The latest success we have had is getting training covered under the Train to Gain scheme. Not all training is covered but it's worth a try. This gets £500 paid for and a futher £500 matched. If you want more information feel free to drop me an email.

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