Monday 2 February 2009

Snow stop play

Why does it always happen - a little bit of snow and the whole south of England grinds to a stop! OK so it wasn't a little bit of snow this time but you know what I mean.

The thing is, work doesn't need to stop (or even slow down) it can go on wherever your employees are - office, home, hotel or on the road. Businesses need to expect more from their systems. Many CRM systems can be accessed securely via the Internet so sales, marketing and customer service people are covered. Take today as an example - I have support being covered from Brighton, client service from Woking and sales from Crawley and Billingshurst. In addition some of our team made it into the office and two are at an exhibition in New York! However this isn't unusual, as we expect this functionality from our system - SageCRM.

If you are reading this and thinking that its all well and good for sales people, but HR systems don't work that way - think again. Our HR systems, breatheHR and, allow HR people, managers and employees to get access to the system from anywhere. Many of the HR people we help regularly work from home or travel between multiple offices.

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